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MS Teams Direct Routing with your cloud-telephony provider

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Uncover how integrating Microsoft Teams with a VoIP provider can revolutionize how your company communicates and collaborates. Experience the benefits of unifying phone calls, video conferences, and messages in MS Teams with the quality and flexibility of Virtual-Call's VoIP telephony. Don't waste time, optimize your communication and enhance your team's productivity with this powerful combination. Learn more now!

1. Introduction

Ready to take your company's communication to the next level? Integrating MS Teams Telephony with your VoIP provider could be the key to achieving that goal. This integration, known as Direct Routing MS Teams, is a service offered by Microsoft.

With the growing popularity of Microsoft Teams as a platform for business collaboration, combining it with a VoIP provider brings significant benefits, providing a complete solution for all your communication needs. 

In an increasingly connected world with remote teams, efficient and unified communication is crucial for business success. Microsoft Teams has become an essential tool for collaboration and productivity, allowing teams to work together in real-time, regardless of their geographic location. 

Now, envision integrating this powerful platform with a trusted VoIP provider. MS Teams Telephony integrated with your VoIP provider offers a comprehensive solution for phone calls, video conferences, text messages, and team collaboration, all within a single interface.

2. Statistical Data

🔍 According to Microsoft data, the number of daily Teams users exceeded 115 million active users in October 2020, reflecting the increased need for remote collaboration. To put this in perspective, it was only 13 million active users per day in July 2019. 

🔍 According to Global Market Insights, the VoIP market is projected to reach a value of over $55 billion by 2025, driven by the demand for digital communication solutions and reduced telephony costs.

3. Proven Benefits

Increased Productivity: By unifying all communications in a single platform, teams can collaborate more efficiently, saving precious time and avoiding constant app switching. 

✅ Flexibility and Mobility: Integration allows you to make and receive calls from anywhere, using different devices, staying connected to your clients and colleagues on the go. 

✅ Exceptional Audio Quality: With VoIP technology, you can enjoy high-quality calls with clarity and sharpness, eliminating unwanted noise or interruptions. This enhances the communication experience and conveys professionalism in your calls. 

✅ Simplified Management: By utilizing a VoIP provider with MS Teams integration, you'll have a unified control panel to manage all your company's telephony settings. This streamlines management and allows for efficient adjustments and customizations. 

✅ Cost Reduction: Integrating MS Teams with a VoIP provider allows you to reduce telephony costs as calls are made over the internet. You'll avoid traditional phone tariffs and benefit from cost-effective plans and packages offered by VoIP providers. 

It's important to note that to fully leverage the integration of MS Teams Telephony with your VoIP provider, choosing the right partner is essential.

4. We can help!

Virtual-Call has extensive experience in providing business communication solutions, with advanced VoIP capabilities integrated into MS Teams. Through the integration of MS Teams Telephony with a VoIP provider, your company can harness the best of both tools, unifying communication and simplifying processes. Don't waste time, take the next step towards unified and efficient communication with Virtual-Call.

Now is the time to transform how your team communicates and collaborates. MS Teams integration with a VoIP provider offers a complete solution that offers flexibility, quality, and efficiency. 

Contact us and find out how we can help you unleash the full potential of this powerful combination to boost your business.

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