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5 reasons for data security in Cloud Telephony

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Effective data security in cloud telephony isn't just essential – it's the lifeblood of your corporate success. Whether it's sensitive customer information or confidential business data – the security within cloud telephony must be always ensured. Don’t bank on luck or chance, and protect your data right now.


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Here are five reasons why you should secure your data in cloud telephony: 

1. Why is data security in cloud telephony so important?

To safeguard data privacy, companies must be aware of the risks, such as potential cyberattacks, if proper data security measures aren't in place

Cyberattacks are just one example – hackers can access and misuse data. A high standard of security can only be achieved through appropriate measures and investment in information security and data protection. Secure communication channels offer clear advantages: they protect data against unauthorized access. 

Hence, companies need to proactively address this issue and ensure their systems and software are adequately protected. This boosts customer trust and shields the company from damage. 

2. What are the risks if privacy is not guaranteed?

Lack of data protection in cloud telephony can be a serious threat to companies. Today, data is the heart of every business, and data loss or theft can have devastating effects. 

In addition to external threats such as cybercrime, internal problems can also occur, for instance, if employees inadvertently or deliberately view sensitive data. Therefore, data protection should be a company’s top priority. 

To protect their data and systems, companies should implement an effective IT security strategy and utilize secure communication channels. 



3. How do you achieve a high standard of security?

The first step often involves creating a solid IT security strategy and ensuring communication channels are secure and encrypted. In particular, companies that use cloud telephony need to take decisive steps to protect their data. Here are some ways:

🛡️ Create a clear IT security strategy and review it regularly.

A well-crafted IT security strategy could include, for example, best practices for password management, policies for personal device usage, procedures for conducting regular security audits, and contingency plans in the event of a security incident. 

This strategy should be reviewed at least once per year, or whenever there’s a significant system or process change, to ensure it stays up-to-date and effective. 

🛡️ Set clear rules for handling data and access rights.

Here you could specify, for instance, that access rights are based on a 'need-to-know' basis and that only employees who need certain data for their job are granted access. 

Also, all employees should be trained and regularly reminded not to leave sensitive data unprotected or share it via unencrypted communication. 

🛡️ Use encrypted communication channels.

Employ authorization techniques such as virtual private networks (VPN) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption to ensure all data transmitted, whether by phone or Internet, is protected against potential intruders. 

🛡️ Make use of secure software and systems and carry out regular updates.

Ensuring that all used systems and software are up-to-date is crucial for maintaining IT security. Old versions may already have known and exploitable security vulnerabilities. Therefore, plan regular updates or pick providers that offer automatic updates or patch management. 

You should also use a trusted security software that guards against viruses, malware, and other threats. Regular scans and security checks can detect and handle threats at an early stage.

Investing in proper security measures such as encrypted communication is a prudent step in ensuring your data privacy is intact with cloud telephony.

4. What are the advantages of encrypted communication channels?

Encrypted communication channels offer a decisive advantage for data security in cloud telephony: they protect against unauthorized access to sensitive information. 

One such example would be using VPN connections. Through this, a secure connection between the end devices is created, which transmits all data in an encrypted form. 

In this way, companies can avoid their data and information from falling into the wrong hands. Additionally, secure communication channels shield against data loss and help to ensure IT security. 

5. Why should you invest in proper data security for your cloud telephony?

Data security in cloud telephony is essential. Without it, the risks are high, and the consequences for the business can be grave. For example, unauthorized access to confidential information can damage customer trust and the company's image. Therefore, it is advisable to focus on high-quality data security in cloud telephony and adequately protect your data and information.

At this point, we at Virtual-Call offer solutions to ensure the highest standards of security and bolster your IT security. Moreover, encrypted communication channels offer additional advantages, such as enhancing data security and the ability to safely share sensitive information. 

Virtual-Call is officially registered with the Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM) and has been active worldwide since 2013. With us, your business phone system in the cloud becomes a safe harbor. Our dedicated team ensures your communications remain confidential at all times and that your data stays safely encrypted. 

Ready to secure your data with Cloud Telephony? Start your free trial today!


Have questions about cloud telephony data security or want to learn more about how Virtual-Call can protect your company data? Contact us today.

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